As I pointed out at the start of my last article, variety is the spice of life and that there was a little Green Party protest outside my office. Unfortunately, this time, there has been a little politically targeted vandalism.
A vandal spray painted his cleverest thought “IDEAS ARE BULLET POOF” along with an anarchist symbol on my office shutters. As his carefully thought out script started drying, he noticed that he was on CCTV and only then sprayed over the camera lens. He then realised that he had not meant to say “POOF” but “PROOF” so he inserted an “R”. I don’t know if he is a little dim or that, being an ‘anarchist’ means that he doesn’t have to follow the conventions of spelling.
Well, he did try and correct it so the silly boy is learning to comply…
The fabulous Belle Moi, against stiff competition, won the best shop competition and it was a delight to read through so many wonderful comments about them and so many of our local shops and salons right across the constituency.
Being drawn to ask a question at PMQs is always an interesting time. There are so many issues that I can raise – many are niche in terms of interest or perhaps only relate to a part of my constituency. I often try to deal with issues that are either of national significance or which most of my constituents would appreciate.
I went with law and order which, leaving aside blips with the EU and Covid, is consistently the most important matter of concern.
Essentially, the new leadership in Greater Manchester Police has transformed its performance with more arrests and lower crime right across Bolton West and Atherton. There is so much more to do but, whilst GMP has recruited many more police officers, much of the improvement has been due to leadership and getting the best from all parts of the force.
As always, if you have any concerns about anything in this newsletter, or anything else, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
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