
Donate Blood

Really important article in the Bolton News calling for more people to step forward to donate blood.


I have my appointment on Thursday. Follow the link if you can contribute:


Daisy Hill Station Update

Local residents got in touch to raise concerns about the extent of the building work and the disruption to car parking at Daisy Hill Railway Station.

IX Wireless Update

Having raised the concerns of many constituents with Bolton Council and local Government in general and having a far better understanding of ‘permitted development’, my understanding is that the Council and IX Wireless have a much better working relationship so that local concerns are fully taken

Chris visits the Anderton Centre

It was great to visit the Anderton Centre last week to see pupils compete in the national skills competition.


The event was organised by Bolton College and it was wonderful to see so many students taking part in activities like canoeing and archery.


Labour brewing a recipe for disaster

Who would have thought that Margaret Thatcher and her values would have become central to the debate for this coming General Election?

MP Hikes the Pike!

Wonderful to see so many enjoy the Spring weather and walk to the Pike.

Bumblebee Conservation

As spring is about to be sprung, we will see more bumblebees, which are so important for pollinating plants. It’s a great opportunity to read some information from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust about what we can do to value and protect our community of bumblebees.


Elizabeth Park opening

It was good to be at the opening of the new Elizabeth Park in Bolton town centre last week.

Please be mindful this lambing season

Whether you enjoy getting out for a walk or going for a run, the Bolton West constituency is home to some wonderful countryside.


During lambing season we can all do our bit to help keep animals safe, please remember to be careful and keep dogs on leads when near farm animals.

Horwich Health Centre progress

It is great to see more progress being made with Horwich Health Centre with the windows now being installed, along with internal fittings.


When completed, it will improve our local healthcare provision, which I know is so important to residents of Horwich.