Protect our green spaces from over-development

Housing and planning is always one of the most contentious topics across Bolton West, from Hulton to Horwich and from Blackrod to Smithills. There is demand for affordable houses, a desire to protect our local greenspaces and the need to deliver the school places and GP services that new housing needs. 

Too often, Bolton Council have not got the balance right and I have worked with residents to oppose inappropriate right across the constituency. I can’t always stop the Council from doing what it wants but I was delighted and relieved to have been able to protect Captains Clough playing fields in Smithills. There is a need for new housing but not at the expense of our green spaces and this is why I have always championed a brown field first approach which is why I am pleased that the Government has supported Bolton Council to deliver.

I know that house building creates strain on local roads and will continue to campaign for more investment across the constituency. I secured £12m to build a link road for the Horwich Loco Works development and have been battling with Bolton Council for the new road at Chequerbent roundabout from the Bluebell Walk development to be opened and a Westhoughton by-pass to be built.

I will continue to work with local residents to deliver more investment in local services to deliver the school places and GP appointments that these new houses bring.  

For more information about what I have been doing to campaign for more to protect our greenspaces, see some of the news articles below.


Bluebell Walk development update

When constituents raised concerns that the developers were not delivering their side of the bargain on the through road to the Bluebell Walk development, I took it up with Bolton Council.

Protecting our Green Spaces

Housing and planning is always one of the most contentious topics. There is demand for affordable houses, a desire to protect our local greenspaces and the need to get the right infrastructure. 


Development could mean land is lost

After ten years of waiting, the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework has now been passed by Bolton Council.  The devolution of house building and industrial development was supposed to enable the ten GM boroughs to protect green spaces whilst marrying up new build with new GP surgeries, school pl

Chequerbent Roundabout

When Bolton Council approved the development of Bluebell Walk in Westhoughton, it was on the condition that a road between Platt Lane and Chequerbent roundabout would be built and opened before residents moved into their new houses.